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Spring Season

All new and returning DGS players register here for the 2025 Spring Season! 

Early Bird Discount of $15/player ends 1/24/25 at midnight! 

Sibling Discount $20

Danvers Girls Softball is available to all softball players who either reside or attend school in Danvers, MA.  Divisions are based on Age/Grade and are as follows:

 Mini Sluggers:  Pre-K  $95 per season

Sluggers: Grades K-1 $115 per season

Juniors: Grades 2-3 $175 per season

Minors: Grades 4-5 $190 per season

Middle School: Grades 6-8 $190 per season

Please base your child’s registration on the grade they are currently enrolled for the 2024/2025 school year.  Registration fees include team jersey.

The season opens in late April and ends in late June.  Exact dates are determined by field availability.

Registration Deadlines are as follows:

 Minor & Middle School Leagues: March 9, 2025

Mini Sluggers, Sluggers & Junior League:  April 6, 2025